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Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Before booking the stay itself, please read our complaint procedure carefully, to avoid any inconvenience before the start of the complaint procedure.

Complaints procedure of the Ingtours s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the travel agency)


  1. This complaint procedure regulates the method of asserting the customer's claims arising from the travel agency's liability for defects in the service provided (complaint), incl. conditions for the application of a conflict with the Travel Agreement and their settlement in accordance with Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended.
  2. This complaint procedure applies to services provided by a travel agency, with the exception of claims arising from transport on the basis of domestic and foreign transport valuables, the application and settlement of which are governed by the applicable tariff and transport regulations of transport companies.

Making complaints

  1. The customer exercises the rights from the liability for defects of services provided by the travel agency in the travel agency, in the seat or in the service agency of the travel agency where he purchased the claimed services, or in the place of service provided by a guide, delegate or other representative authorized by the travel agency.
  2. The customer exercises the rights from the liability for defects of additionally sold goods in any branch of the travel agency in which the acceptance of the complaint is possible with regard to the assortment of sold goods, ie in the establishment of the travel agency where he bought the claimed additionally sold goods, or at the travel agency.
  3. The customer is obliged to file a complaint in time without undue delay. Filing a complaint on the spot will enable the elimination of the defect immediately, while over time, the evidence and objectivity of the assessment becomes more difficult, and thus the possibility of a proper settlement of the complaint. The customer can file a complaint in any form with the date, subject of the complaint and what method of handling the complaint the customer requires.
  4. If the customer, through his own fault, does not exercise the rights from liability for defects in the services provided under the tour contract, ie a pre-compiled, offered and sold combination of tourism services for the aggregate price, without undue delay, but no later than 1 month from the end of the tour. the office will not grant him a discount on the price.
  5. Rights from liability for accommodation defects must also be exercised without undue delay, but no later than within 6 months. The rights from the liability for additionally sold goods shall expire if they have not been exercised within 24 months from the date of receipt.
  6. When making a complaint, the customer is obliged to state the name, surname, address, what is the content of the complaint, justify his complaint and, if possible, substantiate the subject of the complaint; At the same time, it is recommended to submit proof of the service provided, such as a copy of the order, invoice, confirmation of payment, etc., which will facilitate the handling of complaints.

Handling of complaints

  1. If the customer exercises the right of liability for defects in the services provided to him or which have already been provided, the tour guide, the head of the travel agency providing the services in question or another representative authorized by the travel agency is obliged to decide on the complaint after the necessary examination of factual and legal circumstances. immediately, in complex cases within three working days. The time required for a professional assessment of the defect is not included in this time. Complaints must be settled without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the date of the complaint by the customer, unless a longer period is agreed with the customer.
  2. In the case of an oral complaint (eg at the place of service provided), the tour guide, delegate or other representative authorized by the travel agency is obliged to write a complaint report with the customer, resp. confirmation of receipt of the complaint. The protocol shall state when the customer has lodged the complaint, the customer's personal data, what is the content of the complaint (the subject of the complaint), what method of handling the complaint is requested by the customer; and the date and manner of handling the complaint. If the customer hands over the documents to the tour guide or the head of the establishment or another authorized representative of the travel agency, or other documents related to the complaint, or claimed goods, this fact must be explicitly stated in the protocol. Protocol, resp. Acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint will be signed by the tour guide or the manager of the establishment or another authorized representative of the travel agency. The customer will receive one copy of this document and will confirm his consent to its content and acceptance by signing.
  3. In the case of an oral complaint (eg at the place of service provided), the tour guide, delegate or other representative authorized by the travel agency is obliged to write a complaint report with the customer, resp. confirmation of receipt of the complaint. The protocol shall state when the customer has lodged the complaint, the customer's personal data, what is the content of the complaint (the subject of the complaint), what method of handling the complaint is requested by the customer; and the date and manner of handling the complaint. If the customer hands over the documents to the tour guide or the head of the establishment or another authorized representative of the travel agency, or other documents related to the complaint, or claimed goods, this fact must be explicitly stated in the protocol. Protocol, resp. Acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint will be signed by the tour guide or the manager of the establishment or another authorized representative of the travel agency. The customer will receive one copy of this document and will confirm his consent to its content and acceptance by signing.
  4. In the case of written complaints, the provisions of paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to their content.

Customer cooperation in handling complaints

  1. The customer is obliged to provide the cooperation necessary to resolve the complaint, in particular to provide information, submit documents proving the facts, specify their requirements in terms of reason and amount, etc. If required by the nature of the matter, the customer must allow a guide representatives of the service provider have access to the space provided to him for accommodation, etc., so that they can ascertain the legitimacy of the complaint.
  2. In cases where the customer draws services without the presence of a travel agent and the service provided has defects, the customer is also obliged to ensure the timely and proper assertion of claims against service providers in the country or abroad.

Methods of handling complaints

  1. In cases where the complaint is considered to be wholly or partly justified, the settlement of the complaint consists in the free removal of the defect or, in cases where possible, in the provision of a replacement service or exchange of goods. Otherwise, the travel agency will provide a reasonable discount on the price of the defectively provided service.
  2. In cases where the complaint is considered unfounded, the customer is informed in writing of the reasons for rejecting the complaint.
  3. If circumstances arise, the origin, course and possibly the consequence is not dependent on the will, activities and procedure of the travel agency (force majeure) or circumstances on the part of the customer, on the basis of which the customer does not fully or partially use the ordered, paid and travel agency services, the customer is not entitled to a refund or price discount.

Other provisions

In other respects, the provisions of generally binding legal regulations apply, in particular the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act as amended. In the event of a dispute, the customer has the right to an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute; The materially competent subject of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, www.coi.cz

Final Provisions

These Complaints Rules enter into force and effect on 1 January 2014 and replace the Travel Agency Complaints Rules of 1 January 1999

In Vrchlabí, on 31.12.2013

Ing. Ivan Bäuml vr
Managing Director